The headquarters of Prefabricados de Hormigón Montalbán y Rodríguez S.A is located in an environment of industrial activity in the municipality of the Vega Media del Segura region and combines two programmatic uses: offices and exhibition space.
The dual use of this building has been integrated through a clearly industrial combined design, with polycarbonate facades and self-supporting curved roof, and in turn, its offices with isolated and independent modules from each other and with smooth walls, without texture and white finish that serve as a background for display products.
cubierta curvada autoportante multicapa para showroom y oficinas de Prefabricados de Hormigón y Rodríguez s.a. con el perfil INCO 70.4 CURVADO by INCOPERFIL
Multilayer self-supporting curved roof system provides a design that is far from conventional and at the same time allows the generation of an open and flexible space in terms of its organization. The roof support profile, INCO 70.4 Curved Self-supporting, has been supplied with a thickness of 1.20 mm and a clear span of 13.30 m, reaching a maximum load of close to 200 kg/m².
sede central y espcio expositivo de Prefabricados de Hormigón Montalbán y Rodriguez by INCOPERFIL. perfil INCO 70.4 Curvado.
See more images of the project on ArchDaily here.